Lean Daily Work Management (DWM) System
Date : 19 September, 2024
Time : 1340 Hrs to 1700 Hrs ( Online Mode )

In today's competitive Business Scenario, organizations that excel in their performance consistently survive. In order to have a sustainable business organization, one needs to develop systems that align with the goals of the organization to all functions. And all the functions should perform as per standard on a daily basis consistently. To perform daily, we need a structured approach that needs to be practiced everyday.
Lean daily management system is a systematic approach to plan, perform, track and solve problems on a daily basis. The system also ensures predicting problems so that they are appropriately solved at the right time to ensure effective performance.
Keeping this in view, Indian Machine Tool Manufacturers' Association (IMTMA) is organizing an online programme on "Lean daily work management system".


The following topics will be covered in depth with focus on actual case studies

  • Introduction-Overview
  • What is Lean Daily Management system (LDMS)
  • Why is LDMS required?
  • Benefits of LDMS?
  • Methodology to implement LDMS
  • Steps to sustain LDMS
  • Conclusion

After undergoing the programme, the participants will be able to:

  • Acquire knowledge organizational goals
  • Benefits to LDMS
  • Clarity on how to manage and improve the organizations performance
Fee Per Participant (Per Login)

Rs. 3750/-
+18% GST

IMTMA Members/ Micro Companies/ Individuals/ Educational Institutions / Students/ IMTMA Non Members/ Others

USD 150/-

Overseas Participants

Group Concession : 10% for 3 to 5 and 30% for 6 and more delegates being nominated from the same company


The program shall be delivered by Mr B S Raghavendra, a qualified Mechanical Engineering professional with over 32 years of experience in Manufacturing Operations. He has extensive experience in driving operational and manufacturing excellence (Business Excellence) in reputed Auto/Aerospace / Non-automotive industries. He has the ability to enhance the efficiency of the entire business process of the industry using Good Manufacturing Practices(GMP) and Lean Manufacturing systems effectively resulting in a profitable World Class Organization. He has worked with leading manufactruing organizations such as Maini Precision Products Pvt ltd, Rane(Madras)Ltd, Hampson Industries, Electrolux India, Videocon Appliances, Suprajit Engineering Group, Nash Industries, Aequs Aerospace and Duroshox Ltd. He is a Certified ZED Assessor and Master Trainer.

For Registration Contact
B.L Patil
Programme Coordinator
+91 7899799296
Back End Operations
Contact Address

Plot 249F, Phase IV, Udyog vihar,Sector - 18,
Gurgaon - 122015

Tata no- +91-124-6463101
Tel : 0124 4014101 - 04
Fax : +91-124-4014108

REGISTRATION : Prior registration with an online advance payment is must. Number of participants is limited and will be accepted on ‘First Come First Serve’ basis. A Certificate of participation will be issued to participants.

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